Core Edge Executive Coaching

Core Edge Executive Coaching FAQ’S (Frequently Asked Questions)

1) Can you tell me more about Core Edge's Executive Coaching services? Core Edge's Executive Coaching is slightly different than its Tele-Coaching service. Core Edge's Executive Coaching is for attorneys and other professionals who want an In-person, one-one-one connection. The focus is still on your charisma and business development needs, but some people prefer an upclose and personal approach while others desire long distance learning. A Core Edge executive coach is a supporter, encourager, critic, and partner. Your coach is available to assist you in reaching your goals!

2) How does coaching work? Executive Coaching is done wherever you are most comfortable (home, office, etc...). We will discuss your current goals and objectives and develop an action plan around them. You will have regularly scheduled meetings generally at the same time.

3) What happens during the consulting/coaching sessions? We will discuss specifics such as: your current goals and objectives, strategies to accomplish your goals, your vision, how to obtain positive results and outcomes, challenges you're facing, specific areas you desire to change, your progress and accomplishments.

4) How long does coaching usually last?
You determine the time you want to spend in coaching. An estimated time frame will also be determined from our consultation and your assessment. Coaching contracts usually run anywhere from three months to a year. We strongly encourage at least a three-month contract to realistically work towards goals.

5) What are the fees for coaching?
Coaching fees are $200.00 per session. Each session lasts 1 hour with a minimum contract of 10 sessions.

6) What is the background of Core Edge and the coach? All Core Edge Executive Coaches have at least a decade of experience and have trained and published within the public and private sector.

7.) Where may I get references from past or current clients?
CLICK HERE for Testimonials.

8) I like what I hear, how do I get started?
Fill out the form below and you will be contacted by a Core Edge Representative.

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  or call 404.767.6592
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